Reprenant une habitude que nous avions eu à l'époque du blog "Le 4e que j'aime", j'ai décidé de me lancer dans la traduction de certains articles de "L'Indépendant du 4e". Avec l'aide précieuse d'Ellen, une australienne, je commence par cette traduction en anglais de l'article que j'avais écrit à propos de l'Obamania le 7 février 2009.
Here is a post which will please my friend Nizar. I have taken these photos on the corner of rue Saint-Merri and rue du Renard. Another example of "street art" [art de la rue in French] as mentioned in Olivier Francheteau's blog, after the previous post dedicated to a postbox not so far from here but on the corner of rue de la Verrerie.
This poster shows the White House's newest rentee. On the one hand, it may glorify Mr Obama (I had written a post on the November 5th 2008 to offer my salutation for this election). On the other hand, it could also be a parody : Mr Obama is absolutely not superman and to portray him in this way could deceive the public as, the higher the expectation, the higher the risk of failure.
Fortunately, in France, there are still some dedicated left-wing politicians like Jean-Luc Mélenchon who has denounced on his blog the "Obabéats" (the Obama's worshippers) as early as the 18th of January 2009.
In my opinion, even if I don't consider Barrack Obama as superman, we should have a large interest in his success.
I searched, in vain, for the meaning of initials "M.B W." which are featured on the poster. The only thing I could find was about the "Marine Barracks Washington" but I'm not sure if this is the right link. [even if these soldiers are in charge of the official ceremonies organized by the President, as the French"Garde Republicaine" whose barracks are located in the Fourth district* of Paris].
*Paris is divided in 20 administrative districts called "arrondissements" in French.