Voici la traduction en anglais d'un article publié en français le 8 novembre 2008.
Since Fall 2008, at the top of a wall of rue du Temple at the corner with rue Rambuteau (on the 3rd arrondissement's side), this strange picture can be seen (it hasn't disappeared since I wrote this post in French one year ago). It brought me to several thoughts :
1°) I still think that there's a lack of place in the center of Paris to express oneself freely and to exhibit all kinds of creativity. This example shows how inventive some people are. I have been observing fot quite some time mosaics of this kind but I had never seen such a large one before. When you pay attention to the place where it has been fixed, you can't help asking how it was done.
2°) The message "Leave us alone" which can mean in French "Laissez nous tout seul" ou "Laissez nous tranquille", can have several meanings :
A : it's about people from downtown Paris who are fed up with invading tourists. They would like to live quietly.
B : it's a caricature which denounces those who are aggressive against foreign visitors. The aspect of a bullwark behind which this person is standing is perhaps a clue which shows that is the right explanation.
C : As the board is turned towards the 4th arrondissement, it could be an artist sponsored by the mayor of the 3rd arrondissement... It is well known that Mr Adenbaum (mayor of the 3rd arrondissement) and Mrs Bertinotti (mayor of the 4th arrondissement), even if they are both members of the Socialist Party, are not actually good friends. For this interpretation, I may have been a bit too inventive...
This post was first published in French on November 8, 2009.