La version françase de cet article est paru le 19 juillet 2008.
The sports field, just near rue des Jardins Saint-Paul is a splendid place. The wall which limits this field is the most well-preserved part of the rampart which was built to surround Paris by king Philip II called in French "Philippe Auguste". It allows us to understand the size of this medieval bulwark which on the right bank of the Seine river spread North up to the current rue Etienne Marcel and West to the "Cour carrée" (squared court) of the Louvre. It was 9m high. Every 70m, there was a 14m high tower. This long wall was built to protect Paris (from an English invasion...) while the king was in the Near East : he had decided to be a crusader after the fall of Jerusalem in 1187. So, this construction was erected during the late 12th century. We can still admire the quality of the masonry.
You can look at a very interesting website about the Paris of Philippe Auguste : There, you can find a map with the location of the wall whose remnants can be seen rue des Jardins Saint-Paul.
In this place, there is the sports field of Charlemagne high school ("Lycée Charlemagne"). During summer you can play basketball just next to a construction which is eight centuries old.
The French original version of this post was first published on July 19th, 2008.