Voici la traduction en langue anglaise d'un article paru en français le 29 août 2009:
Here is a traffic sign which I took a picture of in Bristol on July 9th, last year. The translation into French is "cyclistes, laissez la priorité aux piétons". The Frenchmen (those who speak bad English) could believe it means gay people must be yielded to by cyclists because in slang "pédé" means gay). I wanted to take this picture because I have often observed that in Paris cyclists are not really respectful of pedestrians. Many cyclists prefer to speed up instead of stopping at a crosswalk.
The question must be asked especially because cycle paths cross the pavement used by pedestrians (for instance the cycle path which was inaugurated last September on quai de l'Hôtel de ville).
Of course, I consider bicycles are an improvement in comparison to cars. However, I think that not all cyclists behave responsibly.
I would not be particularly enthoustiastic about the installation of traffic signs at every steet corner but the message writton on this sign should be kept in mind by more cyclists.
This post was published in French on August 29th, 2009.