Voici un nouvel article traduit en anglais. Depuis la publication de sa version en français, les choses ont avancé puisque désormais un blog est ouvert : Le 4e au coeur.
"With my friends Patrice and Avishaï, we published for six months the blog called "Le 4e que j'aime" (The Fourth district* of Paris that I love). The late Raphaël was also part of this blog (I want to remember the memory of this young man who contributed a lot to this project).
To show our attachment to the 4th district of Paris wasn't just a fling but something much more, we have decided to create an association which was officially recognized in november 2008. It is called "Le 4e au coeur" (The fourth district of Paris in our Heart).
"The aims of this associations are :
- to promote the image of the 4th district in its diversity, its cultures, its history and its heritage.
- to encourage the exchanges between the residents by enhancing conviviality.
- to promote international exchanges particuliary twinnings with the quarters of other large cities around the world.
- to better welcome visitors to the 4th district and to enhance our exchanges with them.
- to encourage the type of tourism which respects the daily life of the residents.
- to keep in mind the best interest of the residents"
(extract from the Journal Officiel #50, December 13th 2008, page 6020).
For us, it is important to be interested in our immediate environment, our quarters and, of course, our fellow residents. The priority is not unikely to look out further horizon (The readers of this blog have understood what I'm talking about). Let's begin by solving the problems which are more closer to home. There is already so much to do in the 4th district of Paris.
On tuesday, the 17th of January, we were 16 of us assembled inside a restaurant to form the core of the association which, hopefully, will have a successful future. I have the honor of being the president. A blog has just been published. It allows us to announce the associations'activities.
My blog "L'Indépendant du 4e" will still continue to run in order to express MY personal point of view. That's why I have called it "Independent" because it shows my ideas without having to censor anythink. Yet, I'm aware independence does not mean neutrality.
P.S. : An huge thanks to Avishaï who came up with the logo fot our association.
* Paris is divided in 20 administrative districts called "arrondissements" in French .
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